March Birthstone

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The birthstone of March is aquamarine. A beautiful pale blue color to deep blue. This color actually reminds me of a sunny Spring day with blue skies. Or a beautiful island surrounded by an amazing blue ocean. Aquamrine as in oceanic colors. Describes the blue color pretty good huh? Not a coincidence aquamarine in Latin means “water of the sea”.
Aquamarine is more than just the birthstone for March. It is also associated with two signs of the Zodiac, Pisces and Gemini, as well as the planets Uranus and Neptune. And to top that off, this symbolic gem is also the anniversary stone for the 19th year of marriage.
Aquamarine has long been considered a lucky stone, especially by sailors, who carried it to keep them safe at sea. It is said to bring peace and calming to its owner, relieving stress and enhancing intuition.


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Victorian ring with pearls and aquamarine via Ivy Nixon Jewellery
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Variance Three Stone Aquamarine ring

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