December Birthstone


The last birthstone of the year…so I decided to go for the two known stones of this month: Turquoise and Tanzanite. This little selection speaks for itself. Gorgeous stones make beautiful jewelry. 😉
Tanzanite has a beautiful blue color, lighter than sapphire but looking a alike even though, kinda violet-blue.
The turquoise, a blue-green gemstone, is one of the oldest stones used in Talismans and Amulets in ancient times. More about these lovely stones here.

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Vintage Opal & Tanzanite Cluster ring via Erie Canal Collectors

 photo tanzanitecustomring-variance-objects-madeofjewelry_zpskgvrnmu0.jpgTanzanite ring by Variance Objects

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Madeline ring by Katie Diamond

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Tanzanite Diamond ring by Loren Stewart



[All images as mentioned in the links above | Selection and collage by MoJ]