S.Kind & Co. : Achelois ring

Oh dear… S.Kind & Co. never ceases to amaze me. The talented Jacob creates jaw-dropping beautiful pieces like today’s highlighted creation, the Achelois ring. There are not enough words in the world to express how amazing and unique this piece is.
Jacob recently worked on this baby and I got super excited after he showed me a rendering of it (the original design included a sapphire center stone). My heart skipped a beat and now seeing the finished piece I’m just in awe.
The curved halo wraps around the finger but also holds the geometry looking top down. It has a quite royal and majestic look if you’re asking me, don’t you think. It’s so special and very unique.
The ring features an Old European Cut Diamond (GIA report here) and Sapphire Trillions.

Original rendering with a Sapphire center stone

“The design was very organic as originally it was meant to be all sapphire until I realized that the reclaimed side stones really didn’t match the original Montana Sapphire I intended to set. So I ended up using an amazing antique old European cut diamond I sourced from a dear friend, also named Jacob, who specializes in antique diamonds.” – explains Jacob.

Jacob on the Achelois ring:
“The side trillion sapphires are also reclaimed from a large regional buyer of jewelry who melts down used jewelry and re-sells the diamonds – these sapphires are just a small side business for them and a wonder to behold as it is incredibly difficult to source recycled matched side stones as they are often removed in from large assortments of jewelry and very difficult to re-match post removal from the original jewel – as well any stone that meets in a point such as these trillions or most side stones is usually chipped underneath the prong either in the original setting or thru the removal process so to find to intact sapphire trillion stones really is rare. Which is why I was also so so so lucky when my friend Jacob at a different refinery who also specializes in post-consumer diamonds (him and I met in early 2015 before most in the jewelry business ever thought to promote ethical sourcing ) thought of me and my designs and sent over a small parcel of these amazing droplet 4x3mm reclaimed post-consumer matched pear shape diamonds – probably from a bracelet, antique watch, or brooch.”

I love to chat with Jacob because you really feel how passionate he is about what he does. His work may be beyond gorgeous and eye-catching and he may use ethically sourced stones which artisanally mined but it is his passion that I admire most.
“The thing about how I design is that I do not have working drawings and I do not like to tell the stones how I want them to be set. The way I work is not like most jewelry designers as most jewelry designers hand of the actual sculpting of a ring to a jeweler of or model maker based off of an out of proportion sketch and it is really the job of the model maker to figure out the engineering of a piece and it’s actual proportions. Which to me is insane as with all If I am allowed, as for a lot of my commissions I am not given the time though I always make some time, I like to sit with stones for a while. Study them and allow them to speak to me. Every Stone I work with is unique and to me has its own special song and story it wants to tell. By listening to its song and working directly with my materials I like to sculpt free form my work around the stone in rhythm or counterpoint to it. Sometimes I struggle and iterate my way to a finished work while other times – such as the case with the Achelois ring – the final model comes out fully formed in one sitting.  I like to work very early in the morning when most people are still sleeping and I can be most at peace. Removed from the distractions of email and the daily bustle and hustle of NYC. I start every day awake by 6 am and pretty ritualistically start my day with a morning walk listening to bird songs before sitting down to my desk. I am a process-oriented person and consider it an absolute blessing to be able to create free of any commercial or managerial restraints other than my need to pay rent, eat, and pay my skind.nyc website hosting fees.” explains Jacob about his designing process.



[All images and info thanks to S.Kind & Co.]



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