Tom Wood : Signet Rings

Tom Wood signet men - madeofjewelry


Tom Wood signet rings are made for both men and women.
can you imagine having your fingers all blinged up with Tom Wood rings? Solid rings in gold, silver and black onyx. Up to you to pick your favorite one.
A signet ring is a classic menswear piece, favored by kings of ancient times who used the embossed emblems on the rings to seal official documents. You might have seen such rings been worn by your grandfather, who maybe once got it from his father.
Anyway, Tom Wood has the best signet rings and as previously said: for men AND women. I tell you, you need a TM signet ring.
Even Helena Christensen and  Kenzo Fourati have been spotted wearing Tom Wood rings, including fashion bloggers. So ladies…what are you waiting for?


tom wood Helena Christensen Kenza Fourati - Madeofjewelry

Helena Christensen and Kenza Fourati

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Signet rings and Pinkie rings (two last ones):

Tom Wood jewellery rings - madeofjewelry

You just gotta love Tom Wood!


[All images via Tom Wood | Collages made by MoJ]

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