The Bling Ring

nikos koulis spectrum - madeofjewelry

Nikos Koulis is a Greek designer who I love for his amazing ear cuff from the Fontana collection (picture and end of this post). Absolutely marvelous.
Then, today, on Instagram…I saw that Nina Garcia (Project Runway and Marie Claire creative director) just posted a picture. Instant love, I tell ya!
A hand full of Spectrum rings by Nikos Koulis. I had to check them out on his website.
Those rings are so beautiful and kickass. No wonder Nina is obsessed by these.

I’d say, gimme some Koulis’ jewels, ha! And I have to tell you, the entire Spectrum collection is beyond WOW. These rings as pictured in this post but also the…well let’s say the Spectrum collection itself like I just said.

nikos koulis spectrum rings - madeofjewelry


nikos koulis spectrum nina garcia - madeofjewelry
As seen worn by Nina Garcia


The Fontana ear cuff I mentioned above
NikosKoulis fontana EarCuff - madeofjewelry


[All images via Nikos Koulis, Facebook and Nina Garcia | Collages made by MoJ]]

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