Shiny Jaw

maria nilsdotter rings - madeofjewelry jewelry blog

When going through Maria Nilsdotter jewels, it made me smile. But now I know why, it is like visiting a fantasy world. I can’t really explain why but I really love Maria’s creations!
The Moon Stars double ringMadonna Leaf tiara, Swan necklaces and the Lost World necklace are some great examples of that fantasy world. They are so dreamy.
Another piece is the Jaw Stone ring. Less dreamy but so good.
The ring is available with a Rose quartz, Lemon quartz, Citrine, Amethyst or Peridot. Up to you to pick which you like best.

The more I look at images of the pieces by Maria Nilsdotter, the more I am in love…

maria nilsdotter jaw stone ring - madeofjewelry



[All images via Maria Nilsdotter and Instagram]