Larkspur & Hawk : Caprice Kite

I somehow have an obsession with non-traditional gem shapes and cuts…shields, kites, freeform, barion cut, rose cut…you name it, I love it. So it’s no wonder I adore these Caprice Kite earrings by Larkspur & Hawk. I was already a fan of their Sadie Mis-Matched Kite drop earrings and Caterina earrings (all pictured below) with its different styles and shapes.
Anyway, back to the Caprice earrings! The pink quartz one awakened my inner girly-girl in me, but I also adore the Foiled Citrine pair, which looks to be green. Oh-em-gee, like really oh my goodness, so pretty!! As you may know, citrine is a yellow gemstone so you may now wonder why it is green. You might maybe know about foiled stones which mean they (mainly pale-colored gemstones) are mounted with a backing of silver, which is meant to improve/enhance the colors. Designer Emily Satloff uses ‘ballet foil’. I’ll explain this later on, so keep on reading.

I can’t get enough of these earrings, can you tell? Besides the kites which I love this much, there are also the diamonds on the clasps. They’re Champagne pavé diamonds, which I happen to love too! The kites and the champagne diamonds are a match made in heaven to me. So yes, I’m currently obsessed with these earrings! Don’t blame me for it, please!
Oh, and I almost forgot: the Caprice Kite earrings also come in Purple Quartz. Yup, the ones in red actually.
Aren’t they all three outstanding or what?! Thumbs up to Emily, you know how to make me drool!

Pink QuartzCitrinePurple Quartz
Classic yet edgy earrings but which one is your favorite?

So back to the Ballet Foil:
The red kite earrings are purple quartz (similar to amethyst, which is a quartz) that have a scarlet foil lining the setting. The 18th-century jewelers used foils to give stones more color and vibrancy in a time that Lapidary skills were not so advanced. At Larkspur &Hawk, they use foils to transform stones into something they couldn’t achieve on their own.
“I love the halo effect foiling emits as well as the change of color.
The red changes from purple to red, the citrine is very interesting with the honey-colored stone over the mint foil, and the ballet foil is textured and its subtle pattern is lovely over the dusty pink quartz.
Foiling is really a labor of love because, as you know, we have beautifully cut and vibrant stones available today, but I love the look of a foiled stone.” explains Emily.




All images via Larkspur & Hawk and net-a-porter