Ever since I saw designer’s Jillian Abboud first Swivel signet ring on social media, I just knew…this is the next modern heirloom every woman should have to have! It’s such a personal, beautiful and fun ring. It can be custom made with your favorite gemstone and be engraved on the back with a date or initials or whatever you like.
This all makes every Swivel signet ring a unique piece, a one-of-a-kind. A ring to cherish forever!
I finally asked Jillian about her wonderful design which somehow also intrigued me.
Jillian on the inspiration behind her Swivel Signet rings: “My swivel signet rings are the first piece of jewelry I ever made and my best-seller. I studied Art History at university with a focus on northern Italian Renaissance portraiture (rather specific!). I selected a painting of a merchant for my senior thesis and among the objects included in the portrait was a signet ring. One of the reasons I found Renaissance portraiture fascinating was the shift from religious to personal subject matter and the depiction of the self. I love how signet rings are custom to the individual – whether the engraving is a name, monogram, date, mantra or design – and represent a piece or moment of their life. My business is entirely online and the custom aspect of my jewelry allows me to connect with my clients. Adding a gemstone on the reverse of the design created an interesting duality, as well as a pop of color and sparkle. Not to mention another way to customize the piece.”
“My original design was intended for the pinky as signet rings are traditionally worn on this finger, however, I have made them for every finger except the thumb! I have even made one as an engagement ring.”
Some of Jillian’s favorite Swivel rings she made so far:
“I wear a swivel signet on my left-hand pinky with my monogram and one on my right-hand ring finger with my daughter’s name. My favorite diamond swivel signet is a gorgeous hexagon in yellow gold engraved with the initials of a client’s grandchildren. ”
Jillian’s very own pinky Swivel signet ring ↑
Hexagon Swivel signet ring ↑
“My favorite colored gemstone swivel signet is a tie between a fantastic green-blue tourmaline and a purple garnet with a halo of color change garnets.”

All images and video thanks to Jillian Abboud