Jessie V E : Fortunate Collection

When it comes to Jessie V E, I only but can thank Instagram and artist Jessie Kuruc. Instagram led me to Jessie Kuruc who at the time was making artwork for Jessie V E of the Constellation Collection. Afterwards, I fell in love with Jessie’s Braille ring and then everything else actually such as her awesome Femme Fatale ring and the pretty Deco Fandangle earrings.

Jessie V E newest collection, the Fortunate Collection, intrigued me from the very beginning when she started to show some sneak peeks on Instagram. The necklaces looked like a cup and were/are set with tiny diamonds but couldn’t really get what I was seeing on those medallions…because that’s what they are as well. Tea Leave medallions in the shape of a cup which can see from the side view. And the diamonds? They happen to form multiple symbols. What do you see in the #DiamondTeaLeaves? The Collection includes four necklaces, four teacups and each filled with multiple symbols such as a palm tree, a heart, leaves, a butterfly,…etc.

‘Perchance this cup will show it thee. Would’st thy fortune like to see?’

Jessie on what inspired her for this new collection:
“I’ve wanted to make a collection inspired by the ancient art of tea leaf reading for a few years now, I like to take my time developing the ideas and designs until I think they’re perfect before we go ahead and make the pieces though. I had to think on this idea for a while as there were a few different avenues I could have gone down with the designs using this inspiration. ”


She finalized those designs on her last trip to New York, a city which as she says always inspires her creative side. I find it quite interesting to know that a place can inspire people in every way imaginable. But back to her designs:
“The wait paid off because the concept I had hoped to portray along with the aesthetic I was going for has worked out perfectly.” as told by Jessie. And I couldn’t agree more. I truly love how this collection turned out and I find it fascinating to try and find every symbol on each piece.


“Having your tea leaves read is such an intimate and personal experience and can bring comfort and happiness to the person being read- I wanted to create that kind of experience with the fortunate coins. The idea that you can interpret the patterns and symbols yourself within the scattered diamonds is so exciting, and while testing the designs it was so interesting hearing the different things people saw, then looking up the meanings for them. Somewhere freakishly true to the person. One person sees a basket of flowers where another may see a crab or a padlock! The hidden symbols within the coins are all listed on the website along with the meanings.”- Jessie says.


“I purposely scattered the diamonds to depict certain good omens and luck symbols but blurred the edges and made them a little more abstract so they can be read differently by each person. It makes it such a personal experience.

I think any good luck charm gives out what you put in, I hope that these necklaces encourage positive and wishful thinking for the wearer because that will always manifest into reality if you will it to. If these coins can be a talisman for those feelings to be focussed through then we’ve got it right! ” – Jessie


“I wanted them to be good fortune ‘coins’ but added the little detail of the side view being a tiny teacup just for extra adorable-ness! It also meant that I could bring some of my favorite vintage-inspired details into the design organically for an extra unique piece.

I’m not sure I could choose a favorite but I’ve been wearing the ‘success’ coin almost every day since the launch! I tried to cover all of the things people wish for when choosing the symbols and subjects for each coin. There is the simple ‘Luck’ coin which covers all bases, the ‘Love’ coin which focusses on relationships- whether that’s marriage, partnerships, family or your passions, and the ‘health’ coin which is full of symbols attributed to revival, recovery and good health whether that be the body or mind. The ‘Success’ coin is important to me obviously as an independent designer and a woman in business I’m always grateful for a little extra luck on my side when I can get it!”



All product images and lookbook photo's thanks to Jessie | Edits and collages by MoJ



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