Give Me Wings

maria black jewellery collection - madeofjewelry

These and I, it was just instant love.
This was a moment I had which was just too much. I don’t know how to explain in another way but it was just WOW. I got lovestruck with these Wing earring and Wing Reverse earring by Maria Black. Two different pieces which are meant to be worn together and that’s the effect they gave me.
It looks dangerous and badass, to me and I love it!
So…didn’t I had this thought to wear something cool on my left ear? 😉
Maria Black, can’t go wrong with her jewels. You need to dare as her jewelry is quite (very!) rad. I have featured her work before but I truly like these earrings, among many other pieces which YOU have to look at NOW.

maria black jewellery wings - madeofjewelry

18 k Wing earring and Wing Reverse earring


maria black earswag - madeofjewelry

The wings in Black Silver worn with the amazing

TotoSane and Double Sane ear cuffs



[All images via Facebook and Instagram | Collages made by MoJ]

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