
stinne holm jewellery - madeofjewelry

Today it’s all about Stinne Holm. I completely adore her jewels and their style. So contemporary, edgy and modern.
Her jewelry pieces are quite graphic and I like that. So today, even it was hard, I decided to feature Stinne’s oxidised Folded studs.
I totally love every of her Folded and Shard pieces. Yes, all of them…pendants, earrings and studs. Oh, and the super cute Fan Bow.
So, what are your thoughts? Liking these  Folded studs too?

stinne holm folded stud - madeofjewelry

stinne holm designer - madeofjewelry

Deigner Stinne wearing her Folded studs



[All images via Børn i byen and Facebook | Collages made by MoJ]

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