There is this girl from stockholm, living in Sydney, who recently caught my eye. This girl, Elin Hammerstrom, creat gorgeous jewelry. Simple, basic-like, rustic, sophisticated and oh-so-perfect.
Elin is a jewelry designer and not just a designer. She is talented, for sure.
And besides being a jewelry designer, she also creates objects.
Eggcup by Elin Hammarstrom
Have I told you yet she is talented?
And this is not just it, Elin has been doing collaborations with other designers. She has even been selected as a finalist in a jewelry compitition held by The Powerhouse Museum.
Thumbs up to all of this!
I fell in love with her creations such as the BJORK ring. Highpolished or oxidesed, make your choice but myself…I can’t decide.
And this one…Love, love, love!
Be sure to check out Elin’s website and store online.
[All photo’s by Elin Hammarstrom | Collages by]