My Jewelry Idol

marykate olsen spirit awards 2009 - madeofjewelry
When it comes to idols, I have had many. When it comes to a jewelry idol/inspiration, I would say it’s Mary-Kate Olsen.
I once have been a huge fan of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. There was that moment I had to have all their movies and cut out everything about these two out from magazines which I carefully stored in a folder by adding the name of the magazine and date.
Now times have changed. But I always have adored their style and I think Mary-Kate has always been my favorite.
I was just thinking about it and actually I always have (and always) will love Mary-Kate’s style. Especially her jewelry. I love her pieces and how she wears everything together.

All styles of jewelry pieces, mixing the silver and gold. I am in awe.
Following are some more images of the fabulous Mary-Kate:

mka jmendel front row - madeofjewelry
Mary-Kate and Ashley at the J Mendel fashinshow


marykateolsen jewels - madeofjewelry



[All images via Olsen Anonymous, We Heart It, Fanpop and Pinterest | Collage made by MoJ]

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