Orlando-based designer Sandy Rubin has these snake designs that I have to share on the blog. Notjust because of my love for snake-jewelry or because 2025 is the Year of the Snake in the Lunar New Year. No. It’s deeper. It’s meaningful. It’s personal. Personal for Sandy.
And it must be told, to you.
The snake pieces, designed by Sandy are silhouettes based on a cherished bracelet from her grandmother.
“It was inspired by my grandmother, Aziza, who wears this incredible double-headed 21k solid snake head bangle. Her father got it for her as a young woman in Iraq” tells Sandy. This piece holds so much symbolism and meaning to her for obvious reasons. They are a gentle homage to the great power we, humans, possess and how we choose to use it. The designs are, also, a tribute to her family, and I love that.
“My grandmother, being Jewish and born in Iraq at the time, had an arranged marriage in her early teens (which was socially acceptable for the time/place). They left Iraq for Iran and then Iran for London when that no longer was safe for Jews.
Her resilience and having to adapt and reinvent herself is so indicative of a snake shedding its skin. She has shed many skins throughout her life and reinvented herself many times to adapt.
However, when out of balance, a snake will actually strangle itself and even eat its own tail. Its power for self destruction is something in all of us and something I’ve seen first hand with my beautiful grandmother.” explains Sandy.
The pieces Sandy designed are named after Sandy’s grandmother: the Aziza charm and the Aziza ring. Designed with sleek and modern aesthetics, they surely align with Sandy’s signature style. Contemporary, refined and clean lines define these designs.
I think Aziza must be very proud of her granddaughter.
Images thanks to Sandy Rubin
Edits by moi