MUSE Showroom

I’m happy to finally introduce to you and to those who don’t know this boutique yet, MUSE Showroom!
Founded by Jennifer Shanker, MUSE provides a one-stop shopping experience for leading buyers, stylists and editors to seek out and shop an entirely unique set of international designers.
Unlike other contemporary showrooms, MUSE offers a full-service model that handles every aspect of a designer’s business outside of design and production. From collection building to merchandising; customer service to designer support, MUSE’s expert team creates a program perfectly suited to each partner brand.
MUSE represents a carefully curated group of talents from around the world, designers such as Savannah StrangerPaola van der HulstNora Kogan and Holly Dyment, just to name a few.

Who is MUSE?
MUSE is a full-service contemporary showroom that handles every aspect of a designer’s business outside of design and production. We help emerging talent build and merchandise collections that appeal to our roster of the top retailers in the world

What do you want to personally and professionally accomplish in the next year?
Professionally, I want to maintain the growth that Muse is experiencing and continue to evolve as this industry changes everyday. Personally? I’ve got two amazing boys who are quickly growing up and I’d like to be able to spend as much time as possible with them before I blink and they are teenagers. Middle school is already upon us!

How did you get involved in this business?
I was in Tel Aviv when I met an amazing designer, Yossi Harari. We became fast friends and I brought his collection to the US. That was 15 years ago and, very quickly, we were in business.

What do you like best about your line of work?
I love that every day is different. It could be traveling for a trunk show one day or merchandising a collection, the next. I could have a reason to get dressed up, or sit at my desk and answer emails all day. You never know and that keeps my life very exciting – and very busy.

Did you always want to go into jewelry business?
Nope. I had no idea I was going to end up here. Sometimes, I still don’t know how it happened, but I’m certainly glad it did.

How did you decide on the name of your business?
I think the name MUSE speaks for itself. There is nothing more inspiring than to have a muse or to be someone’s muse. It lends a positive connotation to what were doing, which is building developing talent and creating a life. for them in the process

Who is your actual favorite designer?
I obviously adore all of my MUSE designers and wear their jewelry daily. My favorite designer outside of the squad is Mark Davis, a super talent and a dear friend.

What’s your favorite jewelry piece?
My Robert Lee Morris brass knuckle ring was a gift from my father on my 18th birthday and absolutely affected my love for the fine jewelry world- It is architectural and impactful and amazing. Day to day, you’ll see me in my Yossi Harari rose cut diamond pendant- I never take it off.




[All images by Jennifer Shanker/MUSE Showroom
Jewelry by: Silvia FurmanovichNora KoganYossi HarariMichelle FantaciSavannah Stranger and Robert Lee Morris]


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