Rue Gembon has this necklace, which is one my favorites of them besides the Carissa necklace and the dainty Fallon necklace. It’s named Shilo.
Shilo, dear Shilo. There is no doubt that this beautiful lady would be a great addition to our jewelry boxes. Or on my desk, as I actually don’t have a jewelry box and simply drop all my small stuff on my desk. Ready to go and to be worn, right before leaving the house without having to run upstairs or to leave the hous by thinking ‘damn I should have taken the time to pick up this or that’. Which also happens when I leave the house without a good smell of whatever fragrance I had in mind to wear…
Shilo will add that little, well not that little, amount of sparkle and bling which we/our outfit needs.
[All images via Rue Gembon | Edit made by MoJ]