High Tide

pamela love pendant - madeofjewelry

Waves under a full moon with the star constellations, how dreamy is that?
Pamela Love has such beautiful, edgy, fierce and mystical jewelry pieces. This High Tide pendant is one of those pieces. It’s so beautiful to look at. You would keep it in your hands and look at every detail on the plate.
The waves, the stars, the moon, the oculus eyes… It’s a beautiful scene.

Pamela Love bona drag lookbook - madeofjewelry
pamela love high tide pendant - madeofjewelry


pamela love high tide - madeofjewelry


Note: The Hight Tide pendant is also available as breastplate.

[All images via Pamela Love, Bona Drag and Bona Drag’s Lookbook | Collage made by MoJ]