Broken English

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Established in 2006 at the Brentwood country mart in Los Angeles, Broken English has expanded to New York City’s SoHo neighborhood last year in 2014.
For founder Laura Freedman, Broken English is a language unto itself: that which is meant, not said, representing moments and milestones in people’s lives. Each piece of jewelry is much more than a beautiful object; it becomes a symbol of the wearer’s own history. We are honored to play a part in this process.

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Today, Broken English is synonymous with master craftsmanship and highly original design, and their customers know to expect a personalized level of service that is unique to them. Because of the close relationships they have with the designers and dealers they work with, Broken English can offer access to the most special pieces – be it a rare stone or unique design, a custom creation, or a coveted antique collectible.

The LA and NYC boutiques curate a beautiful collection of fine & contemporary jewelry from designers such as Anita KoWWAKE and Maria Black  to well-curated vintage jewelry.
Jewels for everyone!

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Spinelli Kilcollin rings     –     Vintage Globe  pendant


[All images thanks to | Collage and edits by MoJ]



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