All Posts By: Made of Jewelry

Kimberly Doyle : Gemagotchi

Oh, the excitement I felt when Kimberly Doyle shared (on Instagram) about her latest creation! I’ve always adored her Lucky Rabbit pendant and the Light pieces. And the Karat Jack concept, of course. Kimberly has such an amazing brain and imagination. But then… Hello GEMAGOTCHI! I couldn’t have imagined this even in my wildest dreams! […]

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

Yes, yes, yes…it’s here! Our Valentine’s Day gift Guide is filled with hearts, red-colored gems and everything I think would make a great piece to gift. Either to your favorite person or yourself. Because self-love counts too on this day, right?I hope this Gift Guide will inspire you! Here is a little fragment for you […]

Helena Rose Jewelry : Peace and Love ring

A few months ago, friends and designers Orly and Sharon of Helena Rose Jewelry launched their captivating Peace pendants. These pieces boast not only aesthetic appeal but also a thoughtful use of materials. For example the bail, which is now a signature style, is square-ish and it also works as a clip-on, making it effortlessly […]

Holiday Gift Guide

I’t’s’ve said it before but it is cliché to say but it is that time of the year. Haha, I can’t help it. Things aren’t currently easy in the world, to say the least, but jewelry can somehow bring some spark and joy to some. Sending love and light to you all.I truly hope you […]

Latest Obsession : Tiger Eye

Ever since ParkFord Jewelry released her Palace collection recently, I fell in love with Tiger Eye even more. The collection includes about I believe three or four Tiger Eye pieces and I just want them ALLLLLL.For those who don’t know Tiger Eye (also called Tiger’s Eye), it is a warm-toned stone. Silky-ish brown.Tiger Eye is […]

Darius : Eye Idol

Arielle and Daryā of DARIUS, released their latest collection several weeks ago, Eye Idols. But it’s never too late to write about it. The more I see these pieces, these figurines, the more obsessed I get with them.They reminded me of E.T. at first glance but then, when I got to discover more of them […]

Auroro : Orbit ring

I believe I never have featured Auroro on the blog, besides a ton of times on Instagram…so far. But it’s never too late. So here is one of the ladies, Tiffany & Sarah, latest creation. The Orbit ring. If you know Auroro, then you know this piece and design makes absolute sense. It is 100% […]